On An Adventure with Jesus

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

– John 10:10

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Our Journey

We are a family of 6 and we are abundant lifers! Although, this wasn’t always the case. We (Adam and Jaime) were bound up in religion for a long time. But, God took us on a journey to get to where we are today. And we are so thankful!

Learn more about our past and how we got started on this journey of abundant life below.

baker family hiking on rocls
abundant lifers hiking on a trail

What God’s Been Up To


Freedom from demonic oppression.  At a house church meeting with Pastor Brent, a man had prayer to be released from depression. Thank you Jesus for the authority we have over principalities and powers; Mr. Marquis is free!


Healing from infection of the mouth.  A young teen had an infection enter his mouth and could no longer eat or drink without intense pain.  This was an attack of evil to test his parents.  Fellow Spirit filled believers came together and rebuked the infection in the name of Jesus.  A message in tongues was translated as ‘…his healing has started…’.  Reports the next morning were that he could drink again!  What a mighty God we server!


Praise God for healing food intolerances.  A Charis security guard asked if he could pray for healing regarding her food digestion issues.  Who knew security guards also carried anointing oil on them as well.  Both the girl and the security guard had heat come over them and she was healed.  Hallelujah!  To test the healing; the girl ate a fast food burger and had NO reaction to the food!


Healed by Faith.  An 11 year old boy had debilitating pain on his right side of his stomach.  He requested prayer from a sibling who has the gift of healing.  She prayed and commanded the pain to leave.  The pain was gone in less than 5 minutes and the boy heard a still small voice saying “Your faith has made you well.”  Jesus spoke to him and he was blessed!  AMEN!


As simple as that.  A woman in her 20’s was suffering from a migraine and asked for prayer from some friends during a visit.  With no hesitation, the group of friends gathered around her and prayed for the migraine to leave.  Just like that- the migraine left and she had a wonderful time of fellowship with her friends!


After attending a worship and prayer night that we were hosting, O.M. was able to receive a word from God that touched His heart in a new way. William (15) heard from the Holy Spirit during this time to speak to O.M.’s situation. The Holy Spirit wanted him to know that his reason for joining the army was based on his earthly father’s acceptance and approval, but he didn’t need to do that to be loved and accepted by his Heavenly Father. O.M. came to our door the next day to thank the Abundant Lifers for ministering through the gifts of the Holy Spirit in this way.  Praise Jesus!”


“Brianna had never experienced God’s love the way it was expressed during one of our worship nights. During prayer she expressed that she desired to have the Lord speak to her about something specific going on in her life. A young man from our family was used by the Holy Spirit in his spiritual, God-given, gift of prophecy to speak to her heart. She hadn’t told anyone. The words spoken to her about a broken relationship, with detail, brought her to her knees as she cried out. Her heart began the healing process. Thank you, Jesus!”


“Desiring to experience the love of God through a special encounter with the Holy Spirit, F.W. received just that through a time of prayer. As she was standing with her hands raised and heart ready, she fell to the floor under the power of the Holy Spirit and received a beautiful vision that lined up with what the Lord was already speaking to her. It was confirmation to her heart and joy welled up inside that manifested in beautiful laughter and light heartedness.”

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Your support will not only help us, but we believe you will be blessed extravagantly for your giving and sowing of seed!

Abundant Lifers with their RV