What is abundant lifers Mission and Vision?

After doing life OUR way for over 20 years of our marriage, we decided that we would wipe everything clean and start asking and listening very intentionally what God wanted for our lives. It didn’t come without some drastic changes, moves, decisions, and serious revelations after stopping and taking time to hear our precious savior’s voice clearly.

Our hearts are full with a desire to share of the GOODNESS of God and be living examples of that GOODNESS in a world that seems so lost. Even in the churches we are finding so. many. people. that are incredible lost in their lives.

Statistics from national studies by the Cultural Research Centre at Arizona Christian University shared that two-thirds of adults under forty-years-old (that is 67%) say that they are STILL trying to pinpoint the meaning and purpose of their lives (Barna 2023).

While the enemy uses the world to continue putting pressure, from all angles, on God’s plan and purposes; it is our job to speak, show, and surrender to THE TRUTH!

Abundant Lifers comes from John 10:10:

10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]. AMP

We have seen this first hand. We have lived this. We testify to this. But it is a choice to step into the truth of this. To trust His word. We are living examples of a family who GETS to live an abundant life! Praise God! (Video Testimony coming soon!)

Our mission and vision may seem very broad in scope, and it is. We leave ourselves a huge door of opportunity to reach as many people as we can, of all ages, all abilities, all status’, and all who will listen. Our heart truly is to see families freed from bondage, being built up in the Lord by the power of His Spirit, and going out into all the world, demonstrating and discipling others to do the same. Hearts of the very young, all the way to the elderly, changed!

What is our mission?

To be living sacrifices that never stop speaking, teaching, equipping, and discipling people in what it means to live an abundant life, standing firm on God’s Word, because of the full freedom and access to THE HEAVENLY FATHER offered through THE ONLY SAVIOR – Jesus Christ.

What is our vision?

No matter the culture, location, or background, we will be breaking strongholds of bondage and seeing a ripple effect of powerful, saved by grace, spirit-filled, confident children, youth, men, women, and families that faithfully walk in Jesus’ Spirit wherever they go!