The night before last night was windy! It felt like we were on a boat at times. Jaime spoke out at one point, “wind be still”, then fell asleep.
We woke up early and got our “Homey” ready to travel up the mountain to Woodland Park. Our camp site is at 7, 800 ft and CHARIS is at 8,400ish. We have been drinking LOTS of water and moving around as much as we can.
We finished our first morning at CHARIS and WHAT A MORNING IT WAS! We had the blessing to worship with so many other spirit filled believers. We listened to an anointed message from Andrew Womack and Carrie and Mike Pickett.
The whole place is amazing and absolutely filled with God’s peace and presence!
The kids are so encouraged, not just us “grown-ups”.
It is phenomenal to listen to the gospel truth pouring from the mouths of those who are in leadership, volunteering, and working here. Praise Jesus!

Charis Days had something for the whole family. After teaching sessions, they had a large section of ‘the Barn’ set up as a Super Mario Kart racing tournament. Will placed into the semi-finals and then got eliminated. It was a lot of fun! You know, our heavenly Father wants us to have fun too!
We finished the night with a movie, until we decided to leave early to get some groceries and do some dishes. It was a very late night. Since we don’t have running water we have to boil water, collect some extra water, then wash our dishes in bins. It is a little time consuming.
Our first day here we listened to powerful messages on faith, stepping out, working with the Holy Spirit, the impact of the Church and God’s word on government, and the importance of having a Biblical foundation.
Jack feels that he really wants to be here. He has met SO many people, of all ages, encouraging him and speaking so many blessings into his life. We are so joy-filled over this! God is good!