Sparta, Wisconsin to Brandon, South Dakota. Four hours and twenty two minutes. Entirely skipping over Minnesota. Yogi Bear Campground, here we come! Other than the KOA, this is the only franchised campground we will be staying at. We want to see what the kids think – what will we (adults) think? Heeeeeey Boooooboo!
Along the way we are seeing some beautiful sights. Jaime even got to visit a quilt shop that we randomly came across. What a feast for the eyes that was!

We enjoyed the Yogi Bear pool, mini-putt, and air-pillow. The kids also really enjoyed face-timing with cousins that are highly missed.
We will be arriving in Colorado in a couple of days. It is strange to think that we have already travelled 1,348 miles. So many memories already made. Thank you Jesus for this time!