Today, we celebrated with a turn of the phone screen, a shout of “LOOK AT THIS!”, expressions of surprise, hugs, and “THANK YOU, JESUS!”
It was our very first, one time donation through the Abundant Lifers website! Praise Jesus, we received $30.00 and we celebrated! This was huge for our family AND, we believe, for the person who faithfully gave – especially right at Christmas time.
We are not sure who it was BUT we celebrate this person and thank Jesus for this person’s trust in us. We are praising Jesus for that $30.00 and what impact it will have in the Kingdom work – eternal work – we are here for.
You may think, “sheesh, it’s just $30.00!” But, we have seen $50.00 make a grown man cry because of what it did for his situation and we got to speak Jesus into his life! That is the point – it is ALL about Jesus! It is ALL about showing people how much they are loved by the One and Only God.
You see, we are serious about givers and giving ourselves. The bible is SO clear about giving and what to expect from our loving Heavenly Father when we give with Jesus as our motivation.
We do not give so that we receive but we give because God the Father first gave. While we were still sinners, separated, and doing life on our own ability with no way of saving ourselves from sin and death, He GAVE. IT. ALL.
Especially, at this time of year, when we celebrate the Son of God coming to earth as a baby and leaving ALL behind to be fully man. He chose to dwell with us on earth, first, in the most vulnerable position possible. He gave up so much for us all so that we could receive everything.
The Bible is FULL of giving and receiving and it is so beautiful. The giver gives to make a way for someone to receive. Jesus gave everything so that we could receive forgiveness, redemption, eternal life, a relationship with our Heavenly Father, righteousness, peace, power, love….and on, and on, and on!
He Gave. We should give. For those that give, there is blessing, reward, multiplication of seed. That is how much God loves to see us give. He tells us about multiplying what is given in the parable of the talents, the feeding of the five and four thousand, and the promise to Abraham and the many that would come from his one son – Abraham was willing to give up his one son.
So what about us? Are we just sitting hear typing out a good giving sermon so that we receive? No. Our hearts desire is to show that through the Word, you are promised blessings through your giving and we want you to be blessed! Our hearts SO desire blessings and abundant life (John 10:10) for YOU!
We rejoice in the fact that MANY students and lives have already been touched here because the Lord gave to us that we might give. Recently, we had the huge privilege of speaking to a church back in Canada. We relayed to them that the Lord has put on our hearts to EXPECT much so that we can GIVE much. Our hands are a funnel of what is given so that Jesus can be exulted and the Holy Spirit can do the work in softened hearts. Hearts that experience the love of God meeting their needs.
Some of the precious people we have been led to help have needed tuition, housing, food, meals, or ministry support. Praise God, we had seed to share and we will have the exciting walk in watching those “seeds” grow! We pray over those “seeds” for multiplication of souls saved, tummies fed, bodies warmed, students learned, and ministry expanded! Hallelujah!
We believe the Bible when it says…
You see, our attitude is that we GET to give and it is through the abundant life in Jesus Christ, who died and rose again, that we have this precious life.
So, thank you. Thank you to those of you who give. Your money is meeting needs and that is all that we want for Christmas – to give!
Merry Christmas!