Departure day. August 6, 8:30 a.m., and many mixed emotions. Many tears. Many hugs and blessings. Many miles behind and many ahead. A new beginning.
We felt so touched by the incredible efforts by friends, family, and sometimes strangers, to speak to our hearts before we left. It was people taking the time out of their busy lives to come and sit with us, ask us questions about our journey, give us advice, share their stories, and send us off with prayers, tears, smiles, a laugh, and many gifts that took time and love. We are speechless. All we can say is, thank you and God bless you. You have truly impacted us and we will never forget your love toward us.

(Above Left) At the farm in our final moments before leaving. (Above Right) Still in Ontario. Seven hour drive away from home. Our first night was spent at the KOA Sault Ste. Marie. We were a little sad that we didn’t have more time to stay another day. It was beautiful, clean, well kept, and full of activities for families and those who have dogs. We definitely recommend!
(Above) Monday, August 7. A later than expected departure but we definitely needed an extra hour of sleep!
We looked back over our shoulders before crossing the bridge to the States. O…Canada. Lord Jesus, we pray for our Home and Native Land and all those we love there.
Border crossing went smoothly. We had all our paper work ready for the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) workers to receive. After finger prints and questions, they issued us all our I-94 numbers. We had three CBP workers bringing us through the process. Praise the Lord!
(Above) I think there were some pretty glum faces for quite a while on our first miles in the states. Dear Boy had a very hard time leaving cousins and family and friends. A stop at this road side trapper stand did his heart some good. They were selling Lynx and Bobcat claws, and all sorts of neat skins.
(Above) This is a Ermine skin. Dear Boy bought this for his collection because they are rare. It is VERY soft. By the looks of the skin, this little fella would have been pretty cute.
(Above) Merriam (beautiful sister-in-law) and Jasmine (amazing niece) made us cookies and butter tarts. I cried. Yes, I cried. I was so touched by their thoughtfulness and desire to help us out in this way.
Happy 17th Birthday, precious boy (pretty well, man)! ❤️ We are so excited to watch what the Lord is doing in your life. You are a blessing!