Thank you, Abundant givers!!!

As a ministering family we CELEBRATE the eternal weight that comes from your giving that we receive. And now is one of those times!

It is appropriate and very much expected of ourselves, at Abundant Lifers, to say THANK YOU! And we have many ways to do so!

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” – Luke 6:38

Everything that you give ministers to someone specifically. We want to share with you what your gifts are doing. We take you and your financial gifts seriously because they impact people’s lives. We also want you to have the opportunity to give because we know that it has great impact in your own lives.

So, here is what your giving has done so far:

From December 2023 until now, your giving has provided more financial provision towards our missions trips coming up this school year. Exactly $416.63 was given towards Jack’s funding!

Also, our family is so excited that someone has partnered with us monthly! We believe that their trust and heart to give into Abundant Lifers will be blessed here in this life-time and into eternity. Thank you!

This is just the beginning of greater and more abundant testimonies – Praise Jesus!

These are the two new Abundant areas that we would like to open up as options for you to specifically pour into:

  • Story Bags – these are mini gift bags that tell the gospel story through the small items inside (ages 4-11). We find that as we travel there are so many families with young children, but it can be challenging to start conversations or levels of trust when our stay is so short. Most people enjoy free things and these Story Bags give us the ability to have an engaging, seed sown, opportunity that leaves an impression and something unique to remind them of what we have spoken in and over their lives.
  • The Homestead – our family has be praying over and believing for a specific house to purchase in Colorado. This house will be revealed in time but we are believing for this house because we see it being a haven for ministry and discipleship. This home is going to house others who need an affordable place to attend Charis, disciple new believers, teach young adults how to keep a home, train others in healthy living, equip families with tools to do life God’s way, and much much more! We have a big vision for this beautiful 4 acre property and we believe that there are people who would like to be part of this ministry tool! We are super excited!

If you are wanting to give to Abundant Lifers but do not know what we are about, please read here.

Maybe you feel led to give a one time or monthly gift to Abundant Lifers. Check out this video below to show you how to start:

If you would like to support our missions trips, more specifically, please see this video below:

Expect more updates that will be coming from your giving!

Blessings to you all!